

Traditional Thai massage is inherited from ancestors, There are many textbooks from the olden days written that it help to improve pain physical conditions.

Foot Remedy Massage 60 : 450 THB : 90 RMB

Book Now >> 60min : 70 RMB 90min : 90 RMB

缓慢的有节奏的按摩以缓解您的压力,结合独特的混合香料精 油,使您身心得到放松。
Book Now >> 60min : 160 RMB 90min : 240 RMB 120min : 280 RMB

Book Now >> 60min : 180 RMB 90min : 240 RMB 120min : 280 RMB

Book Now >> 60min : 180 RMB 90min : 240 RMB 120min : 290 RMB

Book Now >> 60min : 90 RMB

Book Now >> 60min : 80 RMB 90min : 110 RMB 120min : 140 RMB

Book Now >> 90min : 180 RMB 120min : 240 RMB

Book Now >> 90min : 140 RMB 120min : 200 RMB

Book Now >> 90min : 150 RMB 120min : 200 RMB

Herbal Steam: 30 minutes : 300 THB | 60 RMB

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身体磨砂: 60 minutes

我们的皮肤会不断的自我再生,死细胞脱落,新的细胞生成。但是那些死细胞经常会残留在皮肤表面,使皮肤看起来阴暗,肤色不均。身体磨砂针对各种类型的肌肤,有助于清除那些死细胞,平衡肌肤。Radarom Spa有各种各样的身体磨砂方案供您选择。

Rose Body Scrub : 60 minutes : 990 THB / 198 RMB

Rose Body Cream Scrub A beautiful fragrance from Rose petal is specially formulated to revive the skin’s natural moisture maintaining its freshness and radiance. Contains the small gently scrub particles of Jojoba Bead and Luffa fiber with natural extract in cream base. Jojoba Bead and Luffa fiber help exfoliating dead skin cells to reveal a smooth and supple skin.
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Sweet Orange Body Cream Scrub is specially designed for lighten, radiance, smooth and firm body skin. Contains the small gently scrub particles of natural powder with natural extract in cream base. Corn Cob and Luffa fiber are rubs away dead skin cells to reveal a smooth and softer skin, Cucumber, Apple and Tamarind extract help to nourishes and protects skin moisture. Pure 2 types Orange Essential Oil soothing to the mind and helps to relieve stress. Gently exfoliates, cleanses and softens skin. Improve circulation, skin texture and clarity. Excellent for refreshing and treat anxiety.
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Fresh Coconut Body Cream Scrub A delicate cream scrub from Coconut Oil is specially formulated to revive the skin’s natural moisture maintaining its clean, freshness and radiance. Contain a finely milled from Luffa fiber and Almond shell powder that remove dead skin cells and promote surface cell renewal.
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Swiss Gold Body Cream Scrub A concentrate body scrubs in cream base for healthy glow skin, is fragranced with natural scent combined with the small gently scrub particles of luffa, almond shell and corn cob powder which gently eliminate dead skin cells, dirt and residue to reveal young and thoroughly cleansed skin. Olive Oil, Avocado butter and Vitamin E Acetate which nourish and tone the skin help to improve skin smoothness and maintain natural moisture balance. And Gold powder, Cucumber and Algae extract returns your skin to a more even-toned and younger look and healthy glow.
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面部保养: 60 minutes


After Sun Facial 60 minutes: 890 THB / 178 RMB

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Book Now 眼皮、眼睑 : 3,000 THB | 600 RMB
Book Now 唇线 : 3,000 THB | 600 RMB

Book Now 小腿 : 600 THB | 120 RMB
Book Now 小腿 : 1,000 THB | 200 RMB
Book Now 腋下 : 300 THB | 60 RMB
Book Now 比基尼(下三角部位) : 800 THB | 160 RMB
Book Now 私处 : 1,500 THB | 300 RMB